Fun run 2 clan rewards list
Fun run 2 clan rewards list

There was only one clear rule no selling boss drops. We will always hope they will return some day just to say hi.Ĭlan never has lots of rules. Reason why is that is probably because we have lots of player who stop playing because some reason example Spartacus who broke his ipad (Man we miss you fix it fast), all of them are our good friends and we will never remove them from clan. Yes maybe we are now 1st on ch board but that means nothing.

fun run 2 clan rewards list

Uskoci clan are not strongest or biggest clan on this game.

fun run 2 clan rewards list

This is short history about Uskoci name, and something about them. Reluctance to shed one’s own blood failure to engage the enemy in battle groundless boasting avoidance of risks on the frontier failure to take prisoners, trophies, or booty meanness in rewards to comrades or spies the absence of any general recognition of one’s manliness and the lack of battle scars or wounds It was also made known the Uskok qualities that would cancel out one’s honor: Loyalty to their city, army, and band honorable attention to every knight and obligation readiness to lay down their lives or spill their blood in time of war experience in warfare ability to benefit their city success and glory in duels with the Turks and other enemies of the Christian faith and severity in punishing those who were disobedient or rebellious. Other important aspects of the Uskok heroic honor are: Honor is what they believed to be the most important quality that a hero could have, which all Uskoks strived to be. They attack fast with surprise against much stronger and bigger enemy, they jump there enemy so from there they got name. Uskoci was elite Croatian solders who were organize in very small unit and have small and fast ships.

fun run 2 clan rewards list

Do we really need go so low? I think it is much better when I speaking about my own clan then someone else. How I born in communist country which collapse in bloody war, and all my family was on communist black list. I think I even read I run it in communist way. How I am creator of that clan and I read lots of post how I run my own clan. Hi all, I think it is time I wrote something about Uskoci.

Fun run 2 clan rewards list